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US Coin (Money Math)Sorting and Identification File Folders

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Included in this packet is materials to make the 11 following file folders to help with teaching money identification for US coins. Great for early childhood or special education!

Identifying Coins Folders– light gray: Identifying a certain coin from other coins (example – sorting 5¢ and not 5¢ )
·Penny 1¢ identification
·Nickel 5¢ identification
·Dime 10¢ identification
·Quarter 25¢ identification

Sorting Coins Folders– dark gray: Sorting between coins
·Sort 1¢ and 5¢
·Sort 10¢ and 25¢
·Sort 1¢, 5¢, 10¢, and 25¢

Matching Folding: Money match file folder (same as the previous folder with pictures to match to)

Bonus Half Dollar and Dollar Coins Folders:
·Half Dollar identification
·Dollar identification
·Sort Half Dollar and Dollar Coins
(Note, these coins are only found in the bonus section as I understand not everyone will need to teach these to their students)

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Customer Reviews

Based on 1 review
Rocky Robins

This item is so useful for non verbal students.