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Which is Smaller / Costs Less? Math Task Cards for Special Ed

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Student looks at two numbers/prices and determines which one is smaller or costs less money. What an important life skill to have so you can find the best deal! This is a total of 48 task cards, separated into 3 levels of 16 task cards each.


Level 0 includes numbers 0-10 only

Level 1 included prices such as $1.23, but the dollar amount is in a larger font

Level 2 also includes prices such as $1.23, but everything is in the same size font.


I have included 4 levels of number lines to help students learn this skill. Also included is a sample IEP goal, data sheet, and percentage cheat sheet to help you track data.


Students can answer yes or no by circling, using a clothespin, verbally with a staff member, or another creative way you might come up with! :) These can be used during direct instruction, independent work, and other ways throughout your classroom.