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Counting up to 10 Visual Task Cards (Autism and Special Education)

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These 40 task cards work on the counting items up to 10. Two levels are included so you can have students use a ten frame or scattered. Each task card has a field of three numbers for the students to choose the correct answer from,


Real pictures of everyday items are used!


What's included:

  • Sample IEP goals/objectives
  • Data sheet
  • Student recording sheet
  • Task card answer sheet
  • 40 ten frame counting task cards
  • 40 scattered items counting task cards


These task cards can be used during direct instruction, individual work, and in task boxes.


I use these task cards in my high school special education class, but they would be appropriate for early learners of any age!

Want a prepped and shipped version of these books? Grab those here.


☞Want even more task cards? Check more out here!