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Directional Visual Task Cards (Left, Right, Top, Bottom) for Special Education

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These printable task cards are great for practice in determining where items are, especially left, right, top or bottom.

Each task card has the same format: the question "where is the _____?", a picture, and the two choices (left or right) OR (top or bottom) at the bottom to chose from. Due to the visuals, students do not need to be able to read in order to complete these task cards independently! There are 3 different sets of visuals so you can determine what works best for your class or each student. The different levels include, visual cues, arrows, and words.

What's included:
-Sample IEP goals/objectives
-Data sheet
-24 task cards (with three options for the visuals: visual cues, arrows with words, and words)
-Large sheets with pictures and objects to cut out and place in the proper location as directed by a staff
-Visual cueing cards

Task cards can be used during direct instruction, individual work, centers, and in work task boxes. Laminating is strongly recommended and card stock is optional for even more durability. Students can choose their answer by talking, pointing, clipping on a clothespin or paperclip, or circling with a dry erase marker.

☞Want even more task cards? Check out all printable task cards here!