Interactive, Interchangeable Classroom Crossword Wall Puzzle (with Velcro)

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I absolutely love using crossword puzzles to work on letter recognition, spelling, and skill comprehension. This classroom wall version of a crossword puzzle makes it fun because it is super sized!

With this product you can create virtually hundreds of crossword puzzles for your students to interact with. Wouldn't this make a great bulletin board for early finishers to work at? Crossword are great for spelling words and vocab!

The trick to making this crossword puzzle reusable is the use of the individual squares and Velcro. Every time you set up a new puzzle, the squares need to be arranged to reflect the crossword. Then students can complete by using the Velcro pieces. Velcro can stick on many soft or carpeted surfaces. I have used room dividers before and bulletin boards with carpet squares stapled to them would do the same trick.

See more about my classroom wall puzzles on this blog post.