Light or Heavy? Visual Task Cards for Special Education / Autism

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These 28 task cards help practice the skill of knowing which items are heavy or light. Each task card has the same format: The question "Is ____ heavy or light?" at the top, the picture of the item in the middle, and then the two options with picture at the bottom. Students do not need to be able to read in order to complete these task cards independently!

What's included:
-Sample IEP goals/objectives
-Data sheet
-28 task cards + a blank set of 4 so that you can print out and glue any additional items you would like to work on.

Task cards can be used during direct instruction, individual work, and in work task boxes. Printing on cardstock and/or laminating is recommended. Students can choose their answer by talking, pointing, clipping on a clothespin or paperclip, or circling with a dry erase marker.