Symbol Supported Transition Interview / Questionnaire for Special Education
Regular price $5.00
This is an informal student transition survey with symbol support to be used before an IEP meeting and can provide great data to include in the transition section of the IEP. This information is required for all students with a transition plan.
Questionnaire is available both on paper and digitally via Google Forms™.
See a video preview of this product here. (A few additional options have been added since this video was made, such as art/music and riding a bike, to name a couple - as well as a one page teacher recording sheet to make including the report in the IEP easier!)
All of the required transition areas (education/training, employment, and independent living) are included in this questionnaire so that you can cover all of your bases with this one interview! This was created for students who are not able to read and might have difficultly answering questions. None of the questions are yes/no, which can be challenging for many students. All questions can be answered with the question, “what do you like?” if needed to further simply for students. 19 questions are included in this interview.
The information you gather from this survey gives you useful data to include in IEPs and to present at IEP meetings.
This listing is for one classroom use only. Please purchase additional licenses as needed. Thank you!
It was easy to use and my student loved it. He was able to make thoughtful choices.
I love the symbol supported transition interview as it has pictures to circle for each qiuestion, making it easy for my students to answer questions even when they can't read! I love it!